For My Neighbour
Identity - Level 1
Identity is what makes us distinct and provides the opportunity to unite with those of shared distinctives. It is the values we enact. It is what we truly believe. It is what burns inside of us.
A common identity allows us to function together to achieve great things.
It is our hope and prayer that we may share a common community identity in the foundational values of TRUTH, JUSTICE, LIFE, FAMILY and WORK.
These are the flames of our existence. They empower and guide our thoughts and actions.
They are our light.
Our symbol is the candle.
Our goal is to be the spark that lights this flame in the heart of our neighbours that together we might govern our neighbourhoods as we would desire to be governed.
May we be a light on the hill.
Identity - Level 2
Jesus said, “Whatever you wish others would do to you, do also to them .” HIs first command was to love the one God. The second to love your neighbour as yourself. If we stretch out a hand to the least of these, we have offered our service to Christ.
This is the foundation of “For My Neighbour”. It is also the foundation of our western community culture. It is only as we build on Christ’s foundation that we will have success. Our task is to take these fundamental principles that have been woven into our community’s heritage and apply them across the street and in the public square. Our hope is to preserve our heritage and insure our children’s future.
Please consider how you can strengthen and spread our common community values of TRUTH, JUSTICE, FAMILY, LIFE and WORK.
A piece of paper cannot defend our values - only people can.
These ideas are by no means original to us. Many of those who settled this great land embraced them and etched them into the fabric of our history. They in turn mined them from the pages of God’s holy letter, without which these gems may have remained out of our reach. We have tried to footnote some of their origins to aid you in your search if you care to delve beneath the surface.
Truth - Level 1
Freewill is the mark of our humanity and the pursuit of truth foundational to our existence.
TRUTH is that which never changes. It is the highest pursuit of mankind. Truth is not afraid of questions and loves the questioner. Truth relishes the open honest conversation. There is a freedom in truth. You will never find truth in isolation. Connectivity is a mark of its authenticity. Truth joins hands with truth to form a pattern of consistency. Truth reveals lies. The reality of truth is mysterious. In many ways it is beyond our comprehension. In a wonderful way truth makes itself known. It is consistent with reality. Jesus said, “I am the truth”
Our God given Responsibility/Authority in respect to Truth
- Recognize the Supremacy of God
- Identify Good and Evil
- Be a Reliable Witness
Associated Freedoms:
- Expression, Media, Conscience
- Freedoms will be lost if we disregard our responsibilities.
Those who settled the western world treasured the freedom to pursue truth and this was later enshrined in our foundational documents - the Charter and Bills of Rights.
Truth - Level 2
It could be said the less one fears the questioner, the closer he is to the lap of truth. As such the examination and peer review should be seen as instruments of truth. Censorship of the review or examination manifests itself as truth’s enemy. Reason is another tool we can use to mine truth. It is dependant on the unchanging laws of logic. Through the application of reason we can examine our ideas as well as the ideas of others. The gift of language and the art of writing also allow us to explore the past as well as the present. We can start our quest for truth where others have left off. We can learn from their mistakes and failures as well as their successes. Literature that has stood the test of time is unique and extremely valuable. One such book that must not be left on the shelf is the Holy Bible. For those in pursuit of truth, it is a must read. As we understand the Bible’s unique inspired nature, it provides us with the key tool in our quest for truth - revelation. God, Himself explains truth to us. How wonderful and exciting is that!
If we try to live in a world where everything is subject to change, we will have little to no sense of truth. We are left with subjective relativism. This is the world that the Roman commander Pontus Pilate lived in. This is why he uttered his well known cry before Jesus, called the King of the Jews, “What is truth?”. Without an answer to this question, meaning and purpose are confined to the sphere of our influence. This is why to stop those in pursuit of the answer to this question is the highest form of slavery. To stop the examination and review is tantamount to tyranny. However, when we find the answer to this question, we have found that which never changes. We will have found the foundation to meaning and purpose - the very essence of life itself. The experience and reality for many is they have found God. More specifically they have found Him in the man, Jesus Christ. It would seem this is the mystery of all mysteries.
In a world where truth is viewed as relative, and the concept that truth is absolute and unchanging has been rejected, people are floundering without an anchor. Many are seeking answers to the issues in our world and to the meaning of life, but without a dependable, unchanging source of truth, they will fall prey to every wave of deception. When a society lacks an understanding of the foundation for truth, trust is diminished and the fabric of society unravels. Our hope is that our neighbours will discover the source of truth—Jesus Christ and the truth revealed in His Word. It is only in finding that anchor that we are equipped to differentiate between truth and lie, right and wrong, and to find answers that are consistent with reality.
We seek to defend our God-given freedoms of belief, conscience and expression for the benefit of our neighbours. This includes the protection of our access to information without censorship, so that we can evaluate everything through the filter of God’s Word and come to an understanding of truth.
What is Truth?
Truth has its foundation in the character of God and is consistent with the reality of the world He created. Because God is unchanging, we have a dependable source of absolute truth that does not change. As we deepen our knowledge of God through reading the Bible, we can come to understand His principles and to discern truth.
Why is Truth Important?
In a world where truth is viewed as relative, integrity is slipping away, truth claims are disconnected from reality, and people are floundering without an anchor. Understanding the source of truth gives us an anchor to navigate life and to discern between truth and lie, good and evil. It brings stability and morality to a society and provides a basis for trust. Truth brings hope for the future.
What Do I Do About Truth?
As a community, we need to protect our God-given freedoms of religion, belief, conscience and expression through advocacy and by standing up for what is right when our freedoms are threatened. We also need to protect against the censorship of information that is increasingly restricting our ability to openly dialogue and express truth.
When God’s principles are woven throughout a society, it builds trust and provides a moral compass that helps a society thrive. And when we discover a relationship with the God of truth, lives are changed.
Truth - Level 3
TRUTH is that which never changes (1). It is the highest pursuit of mankind. Truth is not afraid of questions and loves the questioner. Truth relishes the open honest conversation (2). There is a freedom in truth (3). You will never find truth in isolation. Connectivity is a mark of its authenticity. Truth joins hands with truth to form a pattern of consistency (4). The reality of truth is mysterious (5). In many ways it is beyond our comprehension. In a wonderful way truth makes itself known.
Jesus said, “I am the truth” (6)
- Mal 3:6-18, Num 23:19, Heb 6:17-20
- Rom 12:2, 1 These 5:21, Isa 1:16-20
- John 8:31-32
- Duet 7:9, Isa 25:1, 1 Cor 1:9, 2 Cor 1:17-20
- Rom 16:25, Eph 3:9,
- John 14:5-7
Discerning Truth
God will guide us in truth and give us hope – Psalm 25:5
The fear of the Lord brings wisdom, knowledge and understanding – Proverbs 1:7; Proverbs 9:10
The truth of God is not found through our own wisdom – Proverbs 3:5,6; Proverbs 16:25;
1 Corinthians 1:19-23
The Spirit will guide us in truth – John 16:13; I Corinthians 2:11-14
We should correctly handle the word of truth – 2 Timothy 2:15
God’s word teaches and equips us – 2 Timothy 3:16,17
Truth comes from God, this helps us discern the Spirit of truth from the spirit of falsehood – 1 John
God and His Word are the Source of Truth
It is impossible for God to lie – Numbers 23:19; Hebrews 6:18
Truth is in Jesus – John 14:6; Ephesians 4:17-21
God’s word is truth – John 17:17; Psalm 119:160; Proverbs 30:5
Jesus came to “testify to the truth” – John 18:37,38
Jesus is the true God – 1 John 5:20
We are to Walk In and Speak Truth
We are not to give false testimony against our neighbour – Exodus 20:16
“Whoever speaks the truth gives honest evidence – Psalm 85:10
We are to walk in truth, which we learn from God – Psalm 86:11
The LORD detests lying and delights in those who are trustworthy – Proverbs 12:22
Love delights in truth – 1 Corinthians 13:4-6
We are to “speak the truth with [our] neighbour” -Ephesians 4:25
We are to think on what is true – Philippians 4:8
Blessings of Truth
Truth endures forever – Psalm 119:160
Calling on God in truth draws us near to Him – Psalm 145:18
Truth sets us free – John 8:31,32
Consistent with God’s Character and Reality
God’s attributes are revealed in His creation and we are without excuse – Romans 1:20
Unchanging Character and Word of God
God does not change His mind, He does what He says He will do – Numbers 23:19
God’s word is “firmly fixed” – Psalm 119:89
“the word of our God will stand forever” – Isaiah 40:8
The Lord does not change – Malachi 3:6
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” – Hebrews 13:8
Suppression of Truth
The unrighteous suppress truth – Romans 1:18
Justice - Level 1
Justice and Truth go hand in hand. Justice defends truth, while Truth provides a foundation for Justice. Justice is loving what God loves.
Justice is having one law under God. This provides a level playing field for all. The same law applies to everyone - no exceptions for king or scoundrel. This is the foundation for equality. If laws become subjective and controlled by an individual or a certain group, the law becomes biased and unfair. God’s supremacy was esteemed among our forefathers and laid as the foundation to our governance.
The government is formed under the ordinance of God. The government is God’s institution to serve as His ministers to uphold good and punish evil. It is our obligation to follow God’s standards for justice, His parameters for government and to protect our God-given responsibilities and freedoms. We do this to honour God and for the protection of our neighbours.
Our God given Responsibility/Authority in Respect to Justice
- Recognize the Supremacy of God
- Govern as you would want to be governed
- Honour a Singular Law
- Protect Human Life as Sacred and Eternal
- Protect the Pursuit of Truth
- Provide Swift Trial by Multiple Witnesses
Associated Freedoms:
- Defence, To Vote
- Freedoms will be lost if we disregard our responsibilities.
Legal recourse must be swift and available to all law abiding citizens. Commensurate restitution should be the foundation of sentencing.
Justice - Level 2
Our Canadian and Albertan founders recognized the supremacy of God and the rule of law in our foundational documents.
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:
Canadian Bill of Rights - The Parliament of Canada, affirming that the Canadian Nation is founded upon principles that acknowledge the supremacy of God, the dignity and worth of the human person and the position of the family in a society of free men and free institutions; Affirming also that men and institutions remain free only when freedom is founded upon respect for moral and spiritual values and the rule of law;
Alberta Bill of Rights - WHEREAS the free and democratic society existing in Alberta is founded on principles that acknowledge the supremacy of God and on principles, fostered by tradition, that honour and respect human rights and fundamental freedoms and the dignity and worth of the human person
God was gracious and made plain the working principles of our world. We are to love what God loves and want the same laws for our neighbour as we want for ourselves. He has also filled in some of the details with instructions such as the 10 Commandments. These principles and boundaries bring about lasting fullness of life and fruitfulness. Disregarding them may result in some short term gain but eventually yields long term pain.
God is a God of order. If we love what God loves, we will love order. He separated the powers to avoid tyranny. He created the spheres of self governance, family governance, church governance and civil governance. Self governance was to take care of our bodies. Family governance involved dominion/commerce & trade as well as teaching/education. Church governance presided over the law of God and the resulting need for grace. Civil government wielded the sword and was responsible to punish evil and reward good. None of these authorities were given absolute power. We are commanded to honour these authorities in their roles to the best of our ability. If they pervert their roles we are to resist them by overcoming evil with good.
Justice also is to be swift.
Justice - Level 3
God is Just and will Judge the World
- All God’s ways are just – Deuteronomy 32:4
- God judges the righteous and the wicked – Ecclesiastes 3:17
- God will bring forth justice – Isaiah 42:3,4
- God has shown us how to be both just and merciful – Micah 6:8
- God’s judgment will come – Revelation 14:6,7
Government is Instituted by God
- Understanding of good and evil for proper judgment comes from God – 1 Kings 3:9-12
- God appoints rulers and removes them – Daniel 2:21
- All authorities are established by God as His ministers – Romans 13:1-5
- Government boundaries – they are not be a terror to good, but to evil; the government is to praise good and punish evil - Romans 13:3-5; 1 Peter 2:13,14
Maintenance of Justice
- We are to judge fairly and without partiality – Leviticus 19:15
- We are to convict the guilty – Proverbs 24:24,25
- Understanding of what is right comes when we seek the Lord – Proverbs 28:5
- We are to “seek justice” and “Defend the oppressed.” – Isaiah 1:17
- We are to “observe mercy and justice” – Hosea 12:6; Micah 6:8
- We are not to take personal revenge – Romans 12:19
God’s Law is Supreme
- God’s law is perfect, right and true – Psalm 19:7-9
- God is our Judge, Lawgiver, King and Saviour – Isaiah 33:22
- God’s law is enduring and foundational for life – Matthew 5:17-48
- “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” – Mark 12:17
- “We ought to obey God rather than men” – Acts 5:29
Life - Level 1
Life is a gift of exquisite design and unimaginable purpose. Human life is sacred and eternal.
Sometimes people jokingly muse, where do babies come from? The real question is where does life come from. We are talking more than a beating heart or a thinking mind. We are considering an eternal spirit. Human beings are more than an animal, and we are obviously not gods. However, we have a moral compass and emotions. We can talk to ourselves and others. We can hope and dream. We thrive in relationships. We are more than a Social Insurance Number or a production unit. All of these traits are fascinating, but without context they are meaningless. The context of life is love - God’s LOVE. We are crated in God’s image. Now life has purpose and meaning. Life includes the right to thrive.
Our God given Responsibility/Authority in Respect to Life
- Recognize the Supremacy of God
- Steward our Bodies
- Cultivate Faithful Relationships
- Seek Restoration
- Grant Forgiveness
- Respect Law and Order
- Be Thankful
Associated Freedoms:
- Healthcare, Expression, Media, Association, Assembly, Conscience, Worship, Procreation, Mobility, Defence, Ownership, Trade, Vote, Privacy, Creativity
- Freedoms will be lost if we disregard our responsibilities.
We intrinsically know that we have a fundamental right to Life. This right to life is not granted by a government, but something that every government must recognize.
We all recognize that Life means more than simply to exist and breathe. A life locked in a room, or home is not really living. There is a reason that solitary confinement, house arrest, and exile have been used as a form of punishment throughout history.
Life - Level 2
Defending the sanctity of life, upholding God’s gift of abundant life and sharing our hope for eternal life for our neighbour.
Sanctity of life- Conception to natural death
Value and unique position of creation, human life is distinct
More than health – everything should not be sacrificed for health, not narrow focus
God gives life – protected
Self-governance and individual responsibility
Relationships and community are vital
Abundant life
Protecting neighbours
God delegates so that even smallest creature can flourish
We should look after the needs of others, sacrificial service (carefully defined – not masking)
Expression is external influence directed outward. Worship is internal influence directed inward. Expression is the freedom to share our thoughts. Worship the freedom to choose what we allow to enter our thoughts and capture our heart.
Life - Level 3
Sanctity of Life
- We are created in the image of God – Genesis 1:27
- We should not murder – Exodus 20:13
- God knit us together in our mother’s womb – Psalm 139:13-16
- We are fearfully and wonderfully made – Psalm 139:14
- God hates the shedding of innocent blood – Proverbs 6:16,17
- We are valuable to God – Matthew 6:25,26; Luke 12:6,7
- God gives life and breath– Acts 17:25
- We are God’s workmanship for good works – Ephesians 2:10
Abundant Life
- God’s goodness if for those who fear Him – Psalm 31:19
- We can become children of God – John 1:12
- Jesus came to give us abundant life – John 10:10
- All good gifts come from God – James 1:17
Eternal Life
- Belief in Jesus brings eternal life – John 3:16,17; John 3:36; 1 John 5:13
- Our gift of eternal life is secure – John 10:28-30
- Jesus is preparing a place for those who believe in Him, and He will come again – John 14:1-31
- Jesus is life – John 14:6
- Eternal life is a gift from God – Romans 6:23
- God will wipe away tears, death and pain – Revelation 21:3,4
Family - Level 1
Is a secure place to belong and develop one’s identity. Family is where we celebrate.
Human procreation is an intimate and awe inspiring act of creation. It is so intricate that there is no way mankind can be responsible for its existence. A fluke of nature? Not a chance. It simply must be a gift - a wonderful design handed down from the Creator. A man and a women bonded together for life through the covenant of marriage. A haven of nurture to raise the next generation in the understandings of truth, justice, family, life and work.
Our God given Responsibility/Authority in Respect to Family
- Recognize the Supremacy of God
- Honour the Boundaries of Marriage
- Honour our Parents
- Teach our Children
- Form Generational Families & Communities
Associated Freedoms:
- Association, Assembly, Procreation, Mobility, Privacy, Worship
- Freedoms will be lost if we disregard our responsibilities.
Family is the fundamental unit of nurture, education and commerce. The parents are the authority in these spheres of activity. Society’s responsibility is to place appropriate boundaries around sexuality so family can be experienced to its abundance. We must recognize these relationships are meant to be life long and intergenerational.
Family - Level 2
We are created for relationship with God, family and one another. That being the case, we seek to defend the value of father, mother and children in relationship with each other and their community, and their freedom to worship God and find fellowship together.
OUR RESPONSIBILITY: to place appropriate boundaries around sexuality so family can be experienced to its abundance.
- support life-long relationships between parents and their children
- honour parental authority
- Strong family units
- Generational vision
- Isolation is harmful
- Family support of elderly and vulnerable is needed
- Home and family life are not under government jurisdiction
- God ordained union, institution defined by God to reflect His character and relationship with mankind
- Foundational structure of society – need strong families to have a strong society
Family - Level 3
Designed by God
- God created marriage and the structure for family as one man and one woman – Genesis 2:18-25
Permanence of Marriage
- God hates divorce – Malachi 2:16
- Husband and wife are joined in marriage by God and should not separate – Matthew
- 19:5,6; Mark 10:9
- Marriage is binding until death – Romans 7:2,3; 1 Corinthians 7:39
Purpose is Godly Offspring
- Children are a blessing from God – Psalm 127:3-5
- God desires godly offspring – Malachi 2:15
- Roles in the Family
- Headship and submission, love and respect between a husband and wife – Ephesians 5:22-33
- Children are to obey and honour their parents – Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:1-3
- Parents are to train their children for the Lord – Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Psalm 78:1-7; Ephesians 6:4
Marriage is a Picture of Jesus’ Relationship with the Church
- A husband’s role in marriage reflects Christ’s relationship with the Church – Ephesians 5:23-25
Relationships with Family and Community are Vital
- God declared it not good for man to be alone – Genesis 2:18
- The love of a friend – Proverbs 17:17; John 15:12,13
- Honour our parents and love our neighbours – Matthew 19:19
- “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Luke 6:31
- We are to live at peace with everyone – Romans 12:18
- We are to bear one another’s burdens – Galations 6:2
- Do not give up meeting together – Hebrews 10:24, 25
Work - Level 1
Free enterprise is our greatest protection against slavery. A good days work is the remedy for boredom. Work brings meaning and purpose to life. The choice to work with what we enjoy is true liberty.
Work is another gift. It is the ability to create and multiply our efforts. It is an opportunity to celebrate the talents that we and our neighbours possess. It is an occasion to share so that an entire community can benefit. It channels our energy into activities that are productive rather than those that would destroy. It provides strength and vigour. It is a source of satisfaction.
Our God given Responsibility/Authority in Respect to Work
- Recognize the Supremacy of God
- Steward the Earth as a Garden
- Be Productive
- Respect Ownership
- Work 6 Days, Rest 1
- Conduct Fair Trade
- Be Generous
Associated Freedoms:
- Ownership, Trade, Creativity
- Freedoms will be lost if we disregard our responsibilities.
We need to allow the distribution of wealth to happen through work at the community level.
Work - Level 2
Work is what divides the entitled from the enabled. The entitled take. The enabled give.
Work is the great enabler.
Work —-> Productivity —-> Inter-dependence —-> Freedom
Sloth —-> Lack —- > Entitlement —-> Dependence —-> Slavery
Sloth can only function as a parasite on those who are productive.
In a free society, work is the hand that divides the pie. Justice keeps the trade free and the rules fair. The principle of, “for my neighbour” must govern it all. When selfishness takes the lead it destroys the whole works.
Community is built on those who are enabled to give. In community I steward what God has given me, for the benefit of my neighbours. The foundation of community is the idea that I help my neighbour to be productive. It is the ability to give.
Communism/Socialism is built on those who are enabled to take. The government takes from those who work and are productive and redistributes the wealth to the slothful and entitled. The foundation of socialism is the idea that I deserve what I didn’t work for. It is the ability to take.
Albertans are community minded not socialist minded. Albertans are givers not takers.
Let’s empower the givers, not the takers. We need to exalt the concept of work.
Work - Level 3
Provide for Family
- If you don’t work, you don’t eat – 2 Thessalonians 3:10
- A man is to provide for his household – 1 Timothy 5:8
Be Productive
- Hard work brings profit – Proverbs 14:23; 2 Timothy 2:6
- We are to find satisfaction in our work – Ecclesiastes 3:12,13
Good Stewards
- Man was given dominion over the earth – Genesis 1:28
- God gave the garden for Adam to care for – Genesis 2:15
- We are to lay up treasure in heaven – Matthew 6:19-21
- We are to be faithful servants with what God has given us – Matthew 25:20.21
- We are to work unto the Lord – Colossians 3:23
We are to be Generous
- We are to let the poor gather from our abundance – Leviticus 19:9,10
- We are blessed through giving – Proverbs 11:24,25; Luke 6:37,38
- Our giving is as unto the Lord – Proverbs 19:17; Matthew 25:35-40
- Our work allows us to share with those in need – Ephesians 4:28
- Working in order to give is a blessing – Acts 20:35
- We are to seek the good of our neighbour – 1 Corinthians 10:24
The plan
A strategy simple enough to work
To apply biblical principles to governance and authority, both across the street and in the public square.
If you tell 3 people and they tell 3 people … I know it’s supposed to be 2, but maybe we can go one better – the extra mile.
Let’s make it normal to talk to our neighbours about the things of life – our governance, our business, our families in the context of bringing SHALOM* to them and their family.
Let’s frame the conversation in terms of TRUTH, JUSTICE, FAMILY, LIFE and WORK. Let’s frame it in the context of the Supremacy of God.
We need to have purposeful relational conversations with our neighbours about the things of life – the things of God.
*SHALOM- a blessing of peace and prosperity. GOD’S BEST, his blessing and peace and prosperity. The privilege of teaching our children. Freedom to express our thankfulness. The provision that comes from community.
We need to equip those with a community identity to fill public office at all levels of government. Our priority should be on our local municipal level. These leaders should be instrumental in campaigning for those at the next higher level who share a community identity.
The church must become mobilized to become relevant to our communities. The church cannot be luke warm neutral. We must overcome evil with good.
We need a neighbour to neighbour network. A network where we can spread information hand to hand and through word of mouth. Other media is secondary.
We need an education strategy based on biblical principles. Parents must be the authority.


The armbands are a symbol of:
- Warning (yellow)
- Mourning (black)
Our country and communities are at a significant crossroads.
The question is…
Will we defend governance that:
- governs others as they would want to be governed
- insures an individual, undisclosed, verified vote
- upholds a constitution and system of law common for all?
Will we be complacent and compliant to an elite who have their own interests at heart allowing them to:
- dictate our lives, as well as those of our children and grandchildren
- set up one set of rules for the elite and another for the producer
- claim the negation of ownership
- Rig the vote?
A piece of paper cannot defend our freedoms – only people can.
The armband is a symbol of courage. It unites those who are responsible for freedom.
Wear it over your muscle to exercise your responsibility and close to your heart for the love of your neighbour.
The armbands are a point of connection and a conversation starter.
Why Armbands:
- Effective way to communicate a message and show support of our neighbours.
- Stands out from messaging or logos on traditional articles of clothing used for marketing and advertising purposes.
- Because of the unique purpose of armbands and the greater visibility of the message, it can open the door to discussion and draw attention to the cause.
- Helps to network and encourage those within a community with a show of solidarity to help and support one another.
Why the Colours of Black and Yellow and the Symbol of a Candle:
- Depicts the concept of being a light in the darkness
- Spreading the flame of light and hope to our community
History Notes:
- Used throughout history for various purposes including the following: jewelry or ornamental use; identifier; to show affiliation with a certain group of people or an organization; to depict a rank or particular role; to show solidarity with a cause; to demonstrate mourning.
- Examples of armband use: Red Cross workers, military, police, sports, symbol of mourning, other purposes
- Armbands, as with many things, may carry positive or negative connotations depending on what they are associated with. Leaders, organizations, books, banners, media, symbols and logos can promote good or evil ideas. This does not negate the effectiveness of promoting good through various groups, resources and symbols because some have used these mediums to promote harm.
A firm foundation
Jesus said, “Whatever you wish others would do to you, do also to them .” His first command was to love the one God. The second to love your neighbour as yourself. If we stretch out a hand to the least of these, we have offered our service to Christ.
This is the foundation of “For My Neighbour”. It is also the foundation of our western culture. It is only as we build on Christ’s foundation that we will have success. Our task is to take these fundamental principles that have been woven into our western heritage and apply them across the street and in the public square. Our hope is to preserve our heritage and insure our children’s future. May we be a light on the hill.
These ideas are by no means original to us. Many of those who settled this great land embraced them and etched them into the fabric of our history. They in turn mined them from the pages of God’s holy letter, without which these gems may have remained out of our reach. We have tried to footnote some of their origins to aid you in your search if you care to delve beneath the surface.